National Seminar and RAKORNAS IMATEPSI VIII Encourage Revitalization of the Educational Technology Study Program Curriculum

Posted by Admin on May 19, 2024

Surabaya - On Sunday, May 19 2024, Educational Technology Student Association Throughout Indonesia (IMATEPSI) held a National Seminar and Coordination Meeting The VIIIth National (RAKORNAS) with an attractive theme, "Curriculum Revitalization Educational Technology Study Program by Empowering Edutechnopreneurship in Era Society 5.0”. This event, which was held offline, attracted participation from various figures, experts and students of Educational Technology from all over Indonesia.

In National Seminar, various topics relevant to the Society 5.0 theme, Edutechnopreneurship, and the Curriculum for the Educational Technology Study Program to be focus of discussion. Speaker, Prof. Dr. Mustaji, M.Pd., Educational Technology expert from the Educational Technology Study Program, Faculty of Education (FIP) Surabaya State University (UNESA), collaborating with Isaac Munandar CEO and Co-Founder of MAXY Academy, shares his views on how Curriculum development can strengthen students' readiness to face problems the demands of today's digital era.

Temporary That, the IMATEPSI VIII RAKORNAS session became a momentum for the delegates from various universities to have intensive discussions about concrete steps which can be taken to revitalize the Technology Study Program curriculum Education. The participants also discussed concepts integration strategies Edutechnopreneurship in learning to prepare students as innovator and entrepreneur in the field of technology education.

In In her speech, the Chairperson of HMP-TP FIP UNESA, Jazilah Zida Saniyya, emphasized the importance of collaboration between universities, the business world and the government in developing a technology education ecosystem that is responsive to changing times. He also appreciated the active participation of all parties in the process this event, which shows a shared commitment to improving quality technology education in Indonesia.

Event took place lively with high enthusiasm from participants who were eager to contribute to positive change in the field of Educational Technology. It is hoped that ideas and agreements will result from the Seminar National and RAKORNAS IMATEPSI VIII will be a strong foundation for improving the curriculum and strengthening the role of students in facing challenges the future in the era of Society 5.0.