Educational Technology Undergraduate Study Program Creates Edutechnopreneurship in Curriculum Development Workshop
Posted by Admin on March 02, 2024
The curriculum development workshop was held on the 29th February-2 March 2024, attended by the heads of 65 heads of undergraduate, postgraduate and postgraduate study programs and PhD in educational technology from various universities throughout Indonesia, including Medan State University, Padang State University, University Sriwijaya, Lampung State University, Jakarta State University, Univ Indonesian Education Bandung, Yogjakarta State University, State University Semarang, Surabaya State University, Malang State University, University Ghanesa Education Singaraja Bali, Makasar State University, March 11 University Surakarta, University Dr. Soetomo (UNITOMO) Surabaya, State Christian Institute (IAKN) Ambon, Baturaja University, OKU Regency, South Sumatra, Untirta Banten, UNIPAR Jember, Kutai Kartanegara University, East Kalimantan, Ibn University. Khaldun Bogor (UIKA) BOGOR, Lambung Mangkurat University, South Kalimantan, Jambi University, Muhammadiyah University Jakarta, UKI Toraja, UPRI Makassar, SAMAWA University West Southeast Sumbawa Busa, Bengkulu University, and Pelita Harapan University Jakarta.
Workshop activities begin with the presentation of material from the resource person, namely Prof. Dr. Rudi Susilana, M.Si from the University of Education Indonesia Bandung with material on the implementation of Permedikbudristek number 53 years 2023 regarding curriculum and learning implementation, Prof. Dedi Kuswandi, M.Pd from Malang State University with standard development material learning outcomes of graduates of the educational technology study program education technology. The material presentation ended with Prof. Dr. Mustaji, M.Pd from Surabaya State University which delivered material on developing content standards and core subjects of the undergraduate educational technology study program, masters, and doctorate.
In an increasingly digitally connected world, Education has become the main focus for human resource development competent to face future challenges. Through a unique approach and holistic, the Bachelor of Educational Technology Study Program creates an environment that allows students to combine their understanding of education with technological skills required to create innovative solutions. Graduate of of this program has the ability to integrate technology in educational context and develop educational products and services that innovative or called Edutechnopreneurship.
Edutechnopreneurship, is a formulation of graduate profiles from Undergraduate Study Program (S1) in Educational Technology. Edutechnopreneurship in This graduate profile is interpreted as the ability to develop internal business in the field of educational technology, able to think critically to produce results creative products in the field of educational technology that are educational and capable marketing to the user community. Another profile of a Bachelor of Technology graduate education is as a practitioner educational technology which is expected to be able to facilitate learning and improve performance as designers, learning resource managers, media specialist, and in-house evaluator field of learning.